Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
2022 is over!
The last year flew by so quickly, and we are not sure how we ended up on January 10th already and still have not posted our end of year blog!
The year was full of fun, and excitement as we found new and interesting ways to support other local businesses like our Valentines Contest with "The One 88.1 Radio" and the Wine Give-A-Way with U Vinification and others. Swing into Summer Event was a huge success and we had a great time! We discovered TikTok this year, and are having a great time using it to harass the Boss. We started focusing more on our website, and are looking at all the ways we can expand while not losing touch with who we are, which will always be a brick and mortar store. Having our clients come in, and feel the fabrics is always important to us, being able to engage and have those human encounters in a world where everything is a touch screen away, well that matters to us.
We have received countless deliveries, and countless boxes of items that we are always excited to put out! Our delivery guys are fabulous, and a huge shout out to Bob, who had to bring in what felt like a bazillion boxes of our reusable bags, which of course showed up during the cold snap. And on that note, we got reusable bags this year! They are stunning, so ask about them when you are in next.
Let us end with thanking all of our wonderful clients, if you are new to us or returning, let us say a huge THANK YOU! Without our clients, we would obviously not be here today. We spend so much of our day in fittings, or helping you find those perfect garments and gift ideas and it is an amazing feeling to be able to help you find the items that make you feel and look great. This year we raised donations for the Kinette Club like we do every year, and as always you guys donated and helped us surpass our goals! We do not have the final numbers yet (as the Boss lady decided she needed a break from us and flew to warmer climates for a couple weeks) but we will post when we do! Christmas felt like a success!
So here is to you and here is to us, as we enter 2023 and are ready to hit the ground running with new items, new ways to harass the Boss, and a never ending passion for helping all of you find your best FIT!
Team Romantic Notions!